Food Is the New OIL?

Image of Ryan Rattos
Ryan Rattos
The title of this fascinating article by Kevin Carmichael (Financial Post), caught our attention.

"Food is the new oil, even if most of the world - including Canada - hasn't realized it yet.  Agriculture, not AI, will secure Canada's place in the post pandemic world order."

Kevin states "Agriculture is perhaps the one industry in which Canada will have obvious comparative advantages in the future".  

"Becoming one of the world's primary sources of food might even be enough to give us a say on how the world is run. China controls about 9 percent of the world's arable land, but has to feed about 20 percent of the population.  It is going to need some help and it might have to take seriously those countries responsible for an outsized share of the world's nutrition".

Food for thought? No pun intended!

>>Read this informative, thought-provoking article here.

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