Manufacturing Matters

Image of Ryan Rattos
Ryan Rattos

Improve dairy hygiene with revolutionary BFM® fittings

A leading New Zealand dairy plant had a major challenge with hygiene in their blending filler room.A vibratory discharging cone was connected to the...

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Image of Ryan Rattos
Ryan Rattos

Dairy Plants are required to be of the highest sanitary standards

Canadian dairy standards are considered to be among the highest in the world. Canadian dairy producers are committed to delivering quality products...

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Image of Ryan Rattos
Ryan Rattos

Viterra replaces dust filtration systems

The dust filtration systems for this large, two-terminal Canadian grain supplier needed upgrading to improve worker safety and reduce plant downtime.
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Image of Craig Rattos
Craig Rattos

What is The Vortex Titan Pressure Valve?

The Titan Pressure Valve is designed to address higher-pressure applications up to 100 psig (6.8 barg) and higher temperatures up to 660° F (350° C)....

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Image of Ryan Rattos
Ryan Rattos

Covid 19 Pandemic Statement

Now more than ever, we are sending well wishes to each of you and your families. No one could have predicted we would be in the current COVID-19...

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Image of Ryan Rattos
Ryan Rattos

Vortex Roller Gates Assist in the Production of Horse Feed

In spring 2018, Vortex and Rate Technology Systems, a Canadian Vortex equipment sales representative, consulted with a horse feed producer to assist...

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